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Local experts from Wisconsin's best travel destinations share their inside tips and favorite travel experiences.

Wisconsin state motto

Family-Friendly Lakeside Fun in Fox Cities, WI

Fox Cities Headshot

Featuring: Beth Knapinski

Marketing Communications Director , Fox Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau

Lake Winnebago and Fox River provide the backdrop for the picturesque communities of Fox Cities.

Get In The Game, On The Water in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Featuring: Brenda Krainik

Director of Marketing & Communication , Greater Green Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau

Learn from an inside expert how to put together the perfect game plan for visiting Green Bay.

Meet Wisconsin's Top Destination Experts
Fox Cities Headshot

Beth Knapinski

Marketing Communications Director

Brenda Krainik

Director of Marketing & Communication

What Is A Destination Organization?

A destination organization is responsible for promoting a community as an attractive travel destination and enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live and work.